
Consent orders $799

We wrill write your consent orders for property settlement, ready for signing and filing with the court.

Filing in the court for you $299

Add in this option if you would like us to file the consent orders with the court on your behalf.

Parenting Plan $199

Add in this option if you would like to include a Parenting Plan.


Super split $399

Add in this option to split your, or your ex’s, superannuation with the consent orders.

Property transfer $1,299-$1,499

Add in this option if you would like us to be your conveyancer and transfer a property with the consent orders:

QLD $1,299



Negotiating your property settlement

Negotiating your property settlement can be done between you and your ex-partner directly, with the help of lawyers or through a more formal mediation process.

Reaching a negotiated settlement without resorting to court litigation offers you significant benefits.

Cost savings of a negotiated property settlement

Resolving your property settlement through negotiation will be substantially more cost-effective than going to court for contested property orders.

A negotiated property settlement avoids the expenses associated with legal representation, court fees and lengthy court proceedings.

Timely property settlement

Negotiation takes considerably less time compared to the contested court process.

A negotiated property settlement allows the parties to have more control over the timeline and usually results in a much faster resolution.

Flexibility and control

Parties have greater flexibility and control over the outcome when negotiating to reach agreement about their property settlement.

You and your ex-partner can explore different options, propose creative solutions and tailor your property agreement to meet your specific needs and circumstances.

Negotiation means preserved relationships

Negotiating your property settlement outside of court will most often lead to better communication and cooperation between the parties, helping to preserve relationships.

This is particularly important when people have ongoing co-parenting responsibilities.

Negotiating your property settlement maintains your privacy and confidentiality

Property settlement negotiations without court litigation allow people to keep their relationship and financial information confidential and private.

On the contrary, contested court proceedings are usually open to the public. People often find it embarassing for their dirty laundry to be aired in an open courtroom that is full of other people waiting for their turn with their lawyers and barristers.

How we can help

We are here to help you achieve a fast and amicable property settlement without the stress and drama of litigation.

Our consent orders are legally binding and will provide you with financial certainty for the future. 

Why choose us?


Fixed fees, low costs

Affordable and easy Binding Financial Agreements and Family Court Consent Order drafting, filing and implementation, Australia-wide.



Australian lawyer with 11 years’ exclusive experience in family law.


Legal protection

Our Family Court Consent Orders and Binding Financial Agreements give you a legally binding, final and complete property settlement so you can move on with your life.

Why choose us?

Fixed fees, low costs

Affordable and easy Binding Financial Agreements and Family Court Consent Order drafting, filing and implementation, Australia-wide.


Australian lawyer with 11 years’ exclusive experience in family law.

Legal protection

Our Family Court Consent Orders and Binding Financial Agreements give you a legally binding, final and complete property settlement so you can move on with your life.