
Consent orders $799

We wrill write your consent orders for property settlement, ready for signing and filing with the court.

Filing in the court for you $299

Add in this option if you would like us to file the consent orders with the court on your behalf.

Parenting Plan $199

Add in this option if you would like to include a Parenting Plan.


Super split $399

Add in this option to split your, or your ex’s, superannuation with the consent orders.

Property transfer $1,299-$1,499

Add in this option if you would like us to be your conveyancer and transfer a property with the consent orders:

QLD $1,299



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Our frequently asked questions can help

Peace of mind, prepared with all the information you need

Cheap Consent Orders Qld
Are you a real Australian lawyer?

Yes. Your Consent Orders or Binding Financial Agreement will be written by Justine Dean – LLB(Hons), BA, GradDipLP.

Justine is admitted to practice as a solicitor in the High Court of Australia and the Supreme Court of Queensland. Justine has worked exclusively as a family lawyer since 2013.

Justine has a passion for helping people separate without drama and established FairShare Solutions to make property settlement easy and affordable for everyone. Prior to this, Justine operated a traditional legal practice, Samford Family Law, for many years.

Justine is listed in the Register of Solicitors maintained by the Queensland Law Society.

How long will my Consent Orders or Binding Financial Agreement take ?

We aim to draft your Consent Orders or Binding Financial Agreement within 24 hours of receiving your financial information.

If we are doing a superannuation split, there are some extra steps needed – some super funds get back to us pretty quickly, but others can take up to 30 days to provide us with the information we need.

Once the Consent Orders documents have been filed with the court, the registrar typically takes 2-3 weeks to approve them, although this can take longer at times when the court has a heavy workload.

Binding Financial Agreements can be implemented as soon as they are signed by both parties and their respective lawyers.

Property transfers can happen as quickly as your bank is ready for settlement once the BFA has been signed or the Consent Orders have been approved by the court.

How can your Consent Orders and Binding Financial Agreements be so cheap compared to other lawyers?

Simple… you do the negotiation, we do the legal writing.

Our goal is to give you a hassle-free property settlement as cheaply and easily as possible. 

We believe that you and your ex-partner are best placed to come to an agreement about how to split your assets. Once you’ve reached an agreement, hand over the legal technicalities to us and we will use our expertise to turn your agreement into legally binding documents.

Writing Consent Orders and Binding Financial Agreements is what we enjoy and are good at.

Is that all I pay for my Consent Orders or Binding Financial Agreement?

Yes. You just pay one price for the Consent Order or Binding Financial Agreement package you choose, no more to pay.

We are upfront and transparent about our costs. All outlays, disbursements and GST are included in our fixed price quote. 

We have made our Consent Orders and Binding Financial Agreements as affordable as possible. We have a menu of options you can include in your property settlement such as:

  • Splitting either person’s superannuaton.
  • Choosing us to be your conveyancing lawyer to get your stamp duty exemption and to transfer your home.
  • Having us file your Consent Orders with the court on your behalf.
Can I split my or my ex's superannuation in the consent Consent Orders or Binding Financial Agreement?

Yes, we can easily include a superannuation split in your Consent Order or BFA package.

I want to keep the family home. Can I get an exemption from paying stamp duty if I get Consent Orders or a Binding Financial Agreement?

Yes, both our Consent Order and Binding Financial Agreement options will entitle you to an exemption from paying stamp duty on the transfer of a property.

If you choose our property transfer service, we will do all the hard yards and get the stamp duty exemption for you. We will be your conveyancer and prepare the transfer documents, liaise with your bank and coordinate settlement to complete the property transfer.

Can I do a super split or property transfer without doing Consent Orders or a Binding Financial Agreement?

No, we only do super splits and property transfers that are part of either Consent Orders or Binding Financial Agreements.

Can I include parenting and custody arrangements in the Consent Orders?

Our main focus is cheap property settlement. However, if we are writing consent orders for your property settlement, we can also prepare a Parenting Plan that sets out your parenting arrangements as an additional service. A Parenting Plan is different to a parenting order and is not a legally enforceable agreement. A Plarenting Plan can be used by Services Australia in calculating a child support assessment.

Is my personal information safe?

Yes, we have partnered with the best in the business. All of the information you provide to us is encrypted and secure. Our business systems utilise FamilyProperty, InfoTrack, LEAP and PayAdvantage technologies.

Why do you need to verify my ID?

We use an encrypted, secure application for you and your ex to verify your ID details. This is an essential part of our services so that people can’t fraudulently obtain legal documents authorising your home or superannuation to be transferred into their name.

Do you negotiate with my ex on my behalf?

No, we will not negotiate with your ex on your behalf. We draft Consent Orders or Binding Financial Agreements when you and your ex-partner have reached agreement about your property split.

How do I know what’s a fair split of assets?

The court won’t approve consent orders that aren’t fair, based on what you tell the court in the application about how much each person contributed financially and non-financially, and each person’s future needs (e.g. primary care of children, a substantial difference in income earnings, a significant age difference, serious health issues).

Some basic examples of a fair division of assets: 

  • 50/50 where each person contributed the same and neither person has greater future needs than the other
  • 55/45 where one person owned a property at the start of the relationship and neither person has greater future needs than the other
  • 60/40 where each person contributed the same but one person has primary care of the children and has much lower income earnings
Do you provide legal advice?

As part of our Binding Financial Agreement service, we provide you with independent legal advice about the effect of the BFA on your rights, and about the advantages and disadvantages to you of entering into the BFA.

Aside from this, we don’t offer stand-alone legal advice about your separation, family law entitlements, risks or obligations. 

We have provided lots of information on our website to help you though:

Do you implement the Consent Orders or Binding Financial Agreement?

Yes, we can implement some parts of the Consent Orders or Binding Financial Agreement for you.

If you choose our superannuation split option, we will serve a certified copy of the sealed orders on the super fund as well provide them with your details for their completion of the super split.

If you choose our property transfer option, we will obtain your stamp duty exemption and be your conveyancing lawyer to prepare the transfer documents, liaise with your bank and coordinate settlement to complete the property transfer.

What payment options are there?

Our payment options are direct deposit/EFT, Visa and Mastercard.

  • Payments by direct deposit/EFT will not incur any surcharge fees.
  • Payments by credit card will incur a surcharge fee.

Payment is required before we start work on your documents.

All payments are recieved into our law practice Trust Account which is regulated by the Queensland Law Society.

Ok, I’m ready. What happens next?

That’s great, we look forward to helping with your property split!

To get the ball rolling just Request a Fixed Price Quote.

We will email you with our fixed price quote for the Consent Order or Binding Financial Agreement package you’ve chosen.

Payment options are by direct deposit/EFT or credit card.

Your payment will come through into our law practice Trust Account and we can then get started on your documents.

Why choose us?

Australia’s cheapest Family Court Consent Orders $980 and Binding Financial Agreements $1,680.


Fixed fees, low costs

Affordable and easy Binding Financial Agreements and Family Court Consent Order drafting, filing and implementation, Australia-wide.



Australian lawyer with 11 years’ exclusive experience in family law.


Legal protection

Our Family Court Consent Orders and Binding Financial Agreements give you a legally binding, final and complete property settlement so you can move on with your life.

Why choose us?

Australia’s cheapest Family Court Consent Orders $980 and Binding Financial Agreements $1,680.

Fixed fees, low costs

Affordable and easy Binding Financial Agreements and Family Court Consent Order drafting, filing and implementation, Australia-wide.


Australian lawyer with 11 years’ exclusive experience in family law.

Legal protection

Our Family Court Consent Orders and Binding Financial Agreements give you a legally binding, final and complete property settlement so you can move on with your life.